Trusted Companion Services of America
Our Vision
Trusted Companion Services of America 
provides specialized companion services for seniors and other individuals who reside in nursing homes, extended care facilities or retirement homes. 

We work with family members to connect their loved ones with a Trusted Companion who will support, engage and ensure their loved ones are receiving the companionship and personal services they need and deserve. ​
​Trusted Companion Services of America will give you the peace of mind that you have been desperately seeking. We provide companion services to help your loved one become more interactive and social.
What We Do
How's It Done?
Recent research reveals that there is a surprisingly strong link between social needs and health that is directly related to longevity.  In one survey, four out of five physicians report that unmet social needs directly lead to poor health.  
Many doctors say “a patient’s social needs are just as important to address as is their medical conditions”. With most medical problems, doctors can provide treatment or prescriptions to address the issue, however there are no prescriptions or cures for isolation and loneliness. 
We provide companion services to help your loved one become more interactive and social. 

If your family member, friend, or loved one enjoys their independence, but are struggling to maintain social interactions or contact with others, Trusted Companion Services of America could be the solution for you!​

Our Mission
The mission of Trusted Companion Services of America is to provide our clients a comprehensive and supportive service and care that will enhance their social and engagement skills, while helping to keep them motivated.

We look forward to servicing your loved one!
Focus on 
Overall Well Being
Isolation & Loneliness
Friendly & Supportive Conversation
Encourage Active Thinking
Plan & Encourage Social Activity
Encourage Light Exercise
We all know that light exercise is a key to good health; however, it may be even more important for family members in care facilities and especially true for the elderly. By participating in activities seniors enjoy, they can gain greater mobility, quality of life and independence. Nevertheless, they still may need a little motivation. Our Trusted Companions are trained to provide encouragement, motivation and assistance to your loved ones while participating in exercises provided by the care facility. 
Research now shows staying mentally active can ward off much of the mental decline associated with aging. Our Trusted Companions can help develop structured pastimes, hobbies and games to keep your loved one engaged and stimulated.
Staying active and maintaining a level of independence are important for the health, happiness and well-being of your loved one. Our Trusted Companions are trained to make the best of every moment for your loved one's life by reaching out to family and friends via the phone, computer or in person, bingo, crafts, scrapbooking, etc.
Family members in care facilities and especially the elderly often long to reminisce—to relive happy memories, affirm who they are, or gain insights about their life. When your loved one longs to reminisce about their life experiences, favorite personal stories or family member/grandchildren, a Trusted Companion can be there as a friendly and attentive listener. If you wish, our Trusted Companions can record and document these important stories. These recordings can assist your family with telling your families’ memories and to share them with generations for years to come.
Supportive Service
Our Trusted Companions will ensure that your loved one receives the companion services they need and deserve. Loved ones in nursing homes or care facilities face isolation due to family members and friends living many miles away. Interaction or check-ins with a loved one on a regular basis may not be feasible and may create anxiety for both parties. In your absence, a Trusted Companion can be a support for your loved one and provide encouragement and motivation.
Program Benefits
Flexible Online Scheduling
Our online interface makes scheduling appointments simple.  Just select the day that you want to schedule a visit and select the Trusted Companion of your choice to see their availability.
Convenient Online Payment Summary
Payments are made easy via the Trusted Companion Services interface.  You can choose an individual payment or pay for multiple future visits at one time.
Visit details at your finger tips
The Trusted Companion Services interface allows you to view and print your loved one's visit history.
Wide selection of Trusted Companions
You are presented with the profiles of many different Trusted Companions that highlight their background, experience, and interests/hobbies.
Skype and FaceTime capabilities 
Our Trusted Companions can organize a Skype or FaceTime visit with your loved one at no extra cost!
Immediate feedback 
Our Trusted Companions document all aspects of the visit including activities were performed and details regarding the overall well-being of your loved one.
The Trusted Companion Services Engagement Model

The comfort in knowing your loved one is socially engaged...
Liaison Services
Our Trusted Companion will serve as a liaison between our customer and their loved one. In cases where family members live miles away or work obligations require out of town travel, which makes it impossible for them to have consistent visitation and contact with their loved one, our Trusted Companion can fill the void by keeping scheduled visits. Our Trusted Companion will provide the family with a status report on their loved one’s emotional and physical condition and other information regarding their engagement with Trusted Companion Services.